Tuesday 5 May 2015

Danie Nel Music - Stone

I wrote this tune about 19 years ago! Alice in Chains Unplugged was on my player a lot back then. I think that might've influenced the grunge chord progression and slightly demure mood!

It is a song, mainly about Christ and his sacrifice and suffering on our behalf, but now, looking back, I think the metaphors might be stretched and vague in some areas of the song, but it works in the phrasing and that's what I felt then, so I didn't feel like rewriting it. It is what it is.

The acoustic guitar bit is exactly like I wrote it back then, in my flat in Goodwood, Nevside 26, Spencer Street. (My song "My Plek" from Painting with Light is about that flat). As I started recording I wasn't sure if I was gonna go slow, or fast with arrangement, heavy or stripped down, but given electric guitars and time, I will lean to adding more and more guitars, most of the time.

I really really enjoyed writing and playing this solo. I doubt I'll get it exactly right again. It took literally about 50 different takes and I got the final down at something like 2:30am one morning, almost 18 months ago! Yes, this song has taken almost 2 years to record in it entirety.

Up to this morning I was still contemplating re-recording the vocals, and trying to write a better melody, but I feel like this song has existed long enough to warrant no further structural and basic changes. 

Anyways, enjoy listening to it, share it with your friends, download it and burn it on discs, make mix-tapes and just go wild.

Instrumental version to follow soon.