About 2 weeks ago the minister at my church asked me if I could work on some new Afrikaans songs for worship. I have written songs in the past that has stayed in rotation for the last 8-10 years, so it was probably about time I wrote some new material.
Here's the thing about writing for corporate worship: when I do Crashtackle, I don't care whether people will like it, or what it sounds like to the untrained ear, or whatever, I just enjoy making the noise. With a song for corporate worship you have to make the song palatable for the worshiper to be willing to sing, listen to, engage with etc, but at the same time be true and authentic, since worship cannot be fake. That means I have to dig into the part of me that is maybe not so extreme, back into the folkier side of things that I really enjoy.
Also with writing lyrics, it is vital to be true to your heart, and true to the Gospel. If those aren't aligned, you shouldn't be writing the song.
Anyways, so I had a song in the making, which I started writing on ukelele, and I just built on that. About a week later, well, there you go! Check out the Youtube video, or any of these channels:
Download at:
Bandcamp - https://danienel.bandcamp.com/track/n...
CDBaby - http://store.cdbaby.com/cd/danienel6
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/za/album/noo...
Stream at:
Deezer - http://www.deezer.com/album/60956882?...
Spotify -https://open.spotify.com/album/6aIDGc...
...also on Pandora, Apple Radio, Google Play, etc etc.