So, first there was Danie Nel. He was fresh from playing in a band with mates, and did his first gigs in 2000 as a solo act. This band was called "Even" and had a couple of incarnations, with me moving from lead guitar to bass to guitar and vocals and principle songwriter. Herewith a line-up list from a show we still played in '99.
Josh Sithole even played that evening... May he rest in peace.
From 2000 I played the same venue a couple of times as a guitar and vocals solo act. This then became my "project" which has been running for 17 years now. The idea is and never was to be performing publicly, but merely to be a guy writing music, and to release it in some way or the other.
I recorded an EP in 2004 which was then absorbed into my debut album "Painting with Light" which I released in 2006. Recording time was bartered for a photoshoot with Street Level Music, home of such notable acts as "The Usual", "Tait" and "Hey Mister".
I printed about 50 CD's which in time all sold. To me, that's a gold record! But more than that, I then decided to make all my music available for free.... at least this album, with only commercial rights held. I used JAMENDO to release this album onto the world, in 2009. This was the best decision I have made in terms of distribution, so far.
Here is the kicker: I have made more money this way out of music, than I ever have trying to "sell" music. It is free for personal use, but for background music and licensing, Jamendo charges a subscription and you get paid per use.
Here is some stats on this album to date on this platform:
Listens (Streams):
1 435 596 .... yes, almost 1.5 million people have heard this album through this portal alone.
My total catalogue of music has reached 1 957 326 listens on this platform to date. It is mainly made up of singles and 2 EP's. As one of the EP's is Afrikaans worship music, it is understandable it won't draw as many listens.
73251 Downloads... quite a bit more than the 50 CD's I sold.
I also submitted the tracks from this album to radio stations, online stations etc. To date, here are some highlights:
"Harde Hout" reaches no.17 on the charts.
"Mercury River" reaches no.11 on the charts.
"Morning" is selected as acoustic track of the day out of 10 000 entrants on
"Harde Hout" reaches nr.2 on's Afrikaans Top 20 charts.
"My plek" breaks into the Top 20 Afrikaans tracks.
The Album gets playlisted on NamaquaFM terrestial radio.
"Kinders vang die son" gets playlisted on Jakaranda FM.
But, ANYWAYS, I the album is still doing very well, and I'm immensely proud of it. Subsequently I brought out an EP called "Een" which was Afrikaans Worship songs, an live in studio acoustic album, recorded warts and all, called "Live to a mic" and subsequently a couple of singles.

I play Cape Town Church of Christ 's worship band, and that also is another outlet and style of music that I play. It also feeds my need to play infront of people, and is hugely uplifting to know that we serve to help people worship God.
But I digress greatly. The point is, that my tastes are eclectic, and I'm a huge metal fan, and I've started writing in that direction in the last couple of years. I write Afrikaans, folksy stuff, pop rock, ballady stuff, have a thing for punk.... and you can see how this can get confusing. If you're Devon Townsend, Neil Young or someone like that, you can probably weave all those personas into one and it's great.
I feel kind like I struggle to go from the extremely soft and folksy pop of "Morning" to "Hammerfall"'s industrial metal raucus as the same "band". I like the idea of personas. Also, if I tell someone to go and listen to Danie Nel, but they like metal, and they happen to listen to a folksy number, they'll assume that I am a folk musician and not be bothered to explore more. So the personas also help to get people into the style of my music they prefer quicker.
Thus I created "Crashtackle", my metal band. Or really more like a heavy - anything weird goes - progressive type idea with a focus on heaviness.
As such I then had 2 personas to administer, and I felt I needed a consolidated home (ironic) for both. I thus created Vortex Afternoon, which is the "record label" of I, myself and me. Hahaha. This way I keep my personas together, but also seperate.
However, lately I started feeling that a lot of the stuff I write for Danie Nel is actually hard rock, and punk. I came up with the idea for a punk outfit too, called "Gunfail". However, I realised that I am getting way too complicated now, and I'm ending up having to occupy 10 personas for every musical style I like. I'm no Phil Anselmo, so I consolidated somwhat.
Anyways, that's a very long way of getting to the point. Gunfail is no more, but might become an album name.